"Raam doot atulit bal dhamaa"
Hanumanji is the messenger of Shri Rama and the abode of immeasurable strength. Whenever a devotee of the Lord was at a crisis point, it was Hanumanji who saved them by delivering the message of Shri Rama.
What does immeasurable strength mean? That we can’t know for if we did, it is then measured, measured by our intellect! Then how do we know this for sure. That is a question of Faith. And that Faith is Hanumanji who is the personification of Faith, Dispassion (or renunciation), Discrimination, Devotion and Knowledge.
Sometimes in life we are faced with a situation which seems impossible to overcome. Sometimes we think that there is something impossible for us to do. If we think that not even God can help us, then we have measured the strength of Hanumanji and it shows that we have no idea what He is and the limitation of our Faith in Him and His presence in our lives.
Why do we have a lack of Faith? Well, we have false beliefs and notions about God, the world, the Power of the Lord and ourselves which we fiercely hold on to for many reasons. When we have knowledge of The Truth through discrimination and renounce all false beliefs, then Faith becomes natural. That thirst for the knowledge of God, wanting to be with Him, see Him, serve Him and love Him springs from devotion to Him and the faith that He exists in the first place!
There are many things which can be added. Please feel free to do so.
On this blessed day of Hanuman Jayanti, I pray that Hanumanji delivers the message of the Lord to us and that we incultate the principles that Hanumanji embodies.
Siyaavara Ramchandra ki Jai!
Pavanasuta Hanuman ki Jai!
Good stuff kid. Keep posting.